Learn something new and interesting every week

Learn Interesting Facts every week



Learn something new and interesting every week

One interesting fact

five minutes of context

random varying fields

become smarter and leave

your information bubble

once a week


Absoluty love it! Always up to learn something new, especially if it's written with a funny twist
Just recently discovered this Newsletter but it's already my favorite. Super coolweekly fun facts and the writing style is very refresing
I was sceptical since I already receive like 1 million emails a day. But those ones are well worth the time, they have lead to some very interesting conversations with friends...
Interesting stuff, I love how it is one bold fact you can drop your friends and the info around is also cool
I very much enjoy hearing random fun facts, it's just information I would never even think about on my own


Yes, you’ve read correctly.
On a Snowboard. From the highest mountain of the word…Ma man had balls!

Now there is something tragic about this world record. What, you ask?
Well he survived the ride. But also, he didn’t.
Sounds weird heh? Let me explain.

Marco not only wanted to descend from Mount Everest. He wanted to do so on the most dangerous route(makes sense, right?), the Northern side of the Mountain.
But unfortunately on this side the mountain didn’t have enough snow when he came there in 2001. He was forced to…CLICK THE HEADLINE TO READ MORE

Pretty crazy heh? I know, you have so many questions…

Relax. I felt the same. And did the research for you. You’re welcome.

Btw that’s not the only weird fact those eight armed sea creatures have going for them. Stay tuned, we’ll hit you with more

To understand why octopuses have 3 hearts let’s look at the basic function of a heart. It is the same for humans, fish and octopus.

The heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs/ gills to pick up oxygen. Then pumps this oxygen rich blood to the rest of the body.

Octopuses and we as well need oxygen to function. Without oxygenCLICK THE HEADLINE TO READ MORE

I don’t know about you…but for me that’s quite humbling.

Of course earth is a bit older than us. I knew that…but damn, I didn’t know that much older.

What has happened all that time before us?  Do we even know? A lot of questions…Let’s get those answers!

I will break things down into Chapters to give us an easy timeline.

Chapter 1: The Fiery Beginning (4.6 – 4 billion years ago)

Earth was born from a swirling cloud of gas and dust. The whole planet was very hot due toCLICK THE HEADLINE TO READ MORE


Yes, you’ve read correctly.
On a Snowboard. From the highest mountain of the word…Ma man had balls!

Now there is something tragic about this world record. What, you ask?
Well he survived the ride. But also, he didn’t.
Sounds weird heh? Let me explain.

Marco not only wanted to descend from Mount Everest. He wanted to do so on the most dangerous route(makes sense, right?), the Northern side of the Mountain.
But unfortunately on this side the mountain didn’t have enough snow when he came there in 2001. He was forced to…CLICK THE HEADLINE TO READ MORE

Pretty crazy heh? I know, you have so many questions…

Relax. I felt the same. And did the research for you. You’re welcome.

To understand why octopuses have 3 hearts let’s look at the basic function of a heart. It is the same for humans, fish and octopus.

The heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs/ gills to pick up oxygen. Then pumps this oxygen rich blood to the rest of the body.

Octopuses and we as well need oxygen to function. Without oxygenCLICK THE HEADLINE TO READ MORE

I don’t know about you…but for me that’s quite humbling.

Of course earth is a bit older than us. I knew that…but damn, I didn’t know that much older.

What has happened all that time before us?  Do we even know? A lot of questions…Let’s get those answers!

I will break things down into Chapters to give us an easy timeline.

Chapter 1: The Fiery Beginning (4.6 – 4 billion years ago)

Earth was born from a swirling cloud of gas and dust. The whole planet was very hot due toCLICK THE HEADLINE TO READ MORE


Most newsletters don’t say it that clearly.

But we’re not most newsletters.

So here’s our “why this is cool and we’re worth your inbox” pitch.

It’s quick. It’s random. It’s guaranteed to make you the person with the best stories.

We all tend to stick to what we know.
Reading, scrolling, and learning in our comfort zones.
It’s easy. It’s familiar.

But staying in that bubble? It’s limiting.
Breaking out? That’s tough.

You have to hunt for something new, something different—and who has time for that?

That’s where we come in.

Once a week, we send you one fascinating fact with  5 minutes of context to chew on.

Why does popcorn pop?

How do whales nap in the ocean?

and so on…

It’s quick. It’s random. It’s out of your bubble.
And who knows? It might just spark your next big idea.

One fact. Five minutes. Every week.
So as the YouTubers say “smash that subscribe button”


Learn interesting facts from random fields every week